The Espresso Company Australia has launched one of the world’s first travelling E61 Coffee Machines Porta Via  by Rocket Espresso into Australia, a travel companion for coffee lovers. Simply put, this coffee machine can be taken with its traveler anywhere, anytime.

The Porta Via fits in the boot of a car alongside luggage for a weekend away. The smart black case of the Porta Via evokes sophistication and elegance. Pop the buckled lid and inside is a classy handcrafted espresso machine. Within seconds, a holiday suitcase transforms into a svelte espresso set up, complete with milk pitcher and cups for cappuccinos or macchiatos.

The Porta Via is a portable prosumer espresso machine, embracing design and functionality. Equipped with a traditional lever and a E61 group head (a standard commercial group head for espresso machines), coffee lovers can now brew their favourite coffee and produce quality textured milk from the Porta Via  with a level of of portability unmatched.

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